Tuesday, January 16, 2007
it's written "all rights reserved http://www.cartoonbank.com" in all of them!!!
Julia Maltez Guerreiro 10ºG n.º14
the cartoons have in common the usefull of the technologic in our days...
My favourite is the one that is the Lord asking to a spirit the identification... in that case is the username and the password... that means, at my pointview, that everyone uses the new advances of technology... Including GOD!!! LOL
They all have to do with information tecnology. My favourite one is the one that takes place in heaven, because even things in heaven are computarized... Saint Peter has got files from everyone..
the cartoons have in common the evolution of the technologic world.
My favourite cartoon was the cartoon of the S.Pedro because it shows the informatization of the heaven. God are the Bill Gates of the heaven.
Tiago Dias;
Vitor Miranda;
Pedro Lopes;
This slide makes of a different form alusão the new technologies. In this way the new technologies had come to help the desemvolvimento of the society soon tambem our English. ????"... is mentioned old then when evolving of the technologies and the use of these" Our favourite person or thing is of the two dogs...... Alive the technologies!
They all have in common that they talk about new technologies and the difference they make in our live. We really liked the one with the two dogs writing messages on the msn...probably we talk with 'dogs' without knowing they are 'dogs'...
The dangers of the new technologies are that people that are not very nice can hide behind a screen and pretend to be someone they are not...like the story we read in our book on page 86 about Katie.com...Let's hope for a better world...even for 'dogs'...LOL
Diana Vilela nº13,10E
Diana Cunha nº11, 10E
They all have in common that they talk about new technologies and the difference they make in our live. We really liked the one with the two dogs writing messages on the msn...probably we talk with 'dogs' without knowing they are 'dogs'...
The dangers of the new technologies are that people that are not very nice can hide behind a screen and pretend to be someone they are not...like the story we read in our book on page 86 about Katie.com...Let's hope for a better world...even for 'dogs'...LOL
Diana Vilela nº13,10E
Diana Cunha nº11, 10E
What all the cartoons have in common is the most important thing!! The technological evolution.
The Cartoon that we chose is the dogs talking about the internet. It's so funny. We can pretend to be someone that we are not...Sipderman talk to me on the internet! But i like more Batman or Superman....

Francisco Nº12 10ºF
Glberto Nº13 10ºF
What the cartoons have in common is that they all talk about new technologies. The cartoon that I like most is S.Pedro's cartoon, because it is very funny - he checks the files of dead people. It´s very original!...
Sara Pinto Nº 24 10º F
In my opinion what they all have in common is the advantages and disadvantages of new technology. My favourite one is the buffalo cartoon. the buffalo cartoon is about a buffalo(of course lol) that is talking on the phone and he is complaining because the roaming charges are very expensive. This one is very funny because to see a buffalo on the phone is just incredible! The truth is buffalos might some day become more intelligent and really speak on the phone and so buffalos may be our phone friends
( smile). I`m waiting for more ... Raimundo, Fátima e Mariana 10F
What all cartoons have in common is technology.
The one we chose was the cartoon where a man is in a library and asks for a book using a remote-control gadget. We chose this cartoon because we find interesting and funny what technology can do for us.

Ezequiel Lopes Nº9 10ºF
Sara Teixeira Nº22 10ºF
Marta Teixeira Nº25 10ºF
MArta Fernandes Nº26 10ºF
What all the cartoons have in common is the most important thing!! The technological evolution.
our favourite on is God...
in this cartoon it shows that all use the technology...including God!
Patricia; Carlota
I think that the cartoons give us a different and comic way of technology...It’s what they have in common..
The technological developpment is amazing, but, and if some of these situations become real?!...I don't know if it will be possible, maybe in future...
My favourite cartoon is the one that shows some cows working at computers…His grandfather got used to see them in the meadow, not working with technologic innovations in the farm…He never thought that “their” animals could do it…

AnA CaTaRiNa
nº1 10ºE
i think all cartoons are interesting because we can see technology is very usefull today and maybe someday, we could see this things happen..
Mário Pereira 10ºH Nº13
the cartoons have in common is the technologic.
For me,my favourite is the one,because the lord asking to spirit th ursename and the password...lol...everyone uses the technology,god too...lololol
They all have in common the new tecnologies that are developing nowadays most likely the computer and the use of it.
The one that most called my attention, and my favorite was the one that the guy is in a sort of meeting or something and he says "Hi my name is Barry, and I check my E-mail two to three hundred times a day." I think it's a reality, people are becoming obsessive and addicted to the internet and computer they almost lost their social life they dont go out they prefer to be in a front of a screen 24 hours a day... and what once was a way of fun... starts to be like a bad habit, I thinks thats what the cartoon tell us, that's my opinion! ^_^

Telmo Pinto 10ºG nº11
the cartoons talk about technology and how it can changes our everyday life...Its developpment will amaze humans because these situations aren't common, definitely...
my favourite cartoon shows a boy that check his e-mail two to three hundred times a day, because we could became addicted by internet..
Tiago Rocha,n.27,10ºE
Well, what all this cartoons have in common is the fact they all talk abou every place where tecnology is used, of even the places where it is not used, and thy make fun of it. It also alerts us that it is everywhere, computers, internet, litle gadgets, and sometimes we don't have that idea.
The fact is that actually in future things are gonna be very dependent on it (the technology). That already happens in some situations, but not so many as it gonna be on the futur, we have no idea where this world is going to end! We must start woring and take some prevension, so that technology doesnt take over us.
The one i like the most is the one where the dog is typing on the computer and saying 'on the internet nobody knows you are a dog'. Is certainly true that techology is very important and has brought us so many advantages, but it's important to remember it also has it's dark side. We can think we have made our best friendship, and it can be the most awfull person, with the worst intentions. We never know with who we're really talking to, wu must be really carefull.
To conclude, Internet is very important, in a controled form, we must look out for usselves.

Anabela Pereira N. 7
Sónia Lima N. 26
These cartoons talk about tecnhology. It talks about the terms, the using and other things we do in everydays life that have something to do with it.
My favorite one is that one that has all the reasons why they must buy a computer. It is actually real, the computer has so many funcions, that I probably couldn't live anymore without it!

Joao Azevedo N16 10e
All cartoons talk about technology. My favourite one shows a spider saying: “Welcome to my web site!” The funniest thing is the two senses of the word “web” can have which can be considerate a cobweb(a spider cobweb) or web(of internet). Beyond the funny side of this drawing, there’s a warning which I consider very important, nowadays.
Internet has many dangers, represented here, by a cobweb that is the only way spiders have to catch their preys, similarly in real life, internet hides many dangers, there’s always someone waiting to catch easy preys.
This advice should be present every time we go to internet, because has I said, Internet can be a shortcut to many dangers…

Eugénio Costa e Sílvia Martins, 10ºE
Isabel Teixeira e Natália Alves 10ºM

Cartoons is very funny, has very funny images on the future technologies... The one that more we like was of the angel to ask for to the name and password to a person this to enter in the sky...! It will be that this goes to be possible? oh my god???!!!
Vera Dias Nº24 e Cátia Pinto Nº6/ 10ºM
We adore all cartoons on the new technologies, but what in it called them more to the attention was that one where it chose you the book and the book came to have automatically with it only with a click in the command. It will be that this goes to come to happen? Let us wait that yes, therefore it becomes our more easy life...
Mónica Sousa Nº17 10ºM

I very liked them images on the new technologies. The one that more I liked was that one where an animal is to speak telemóvel, a different thing. Let us wait that this never happens therefore daqui little is to speak with animals...
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