Tuesday, November 14, 2006
English: the official U.S.language ?

There is an intense debate over whether or not legislation should be passed making English the official language of the U.S. Below are a number of arguments that have been presented for and against the issue at hand.

Making English the official U.S. language would unite Americans.
Such a bill would apply only to the Federal government (federal documents, etc…)
Immigrants would be more encouraged to become involved in the U.S. democratic process.
There would be fewer racial conflicts.
Government operations would be more streamlined.

Making English the official U.S. language overlooks the importance of an individuals native language and culture.
It would cause a health hazard where minorities would have difficulty accessing health care.
Language restrictions would make it difficult for law enforcement officials to question people speaking different languages.
Having multiple languages is a great resource for America in diplomatic efforts.
94% of Americans already speak English, there is no legislation necessary.

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